Revelation Primer Series


This is a primer on the Book of Revelation taken from the scripts for a series of TikTok videos. TikTok videos are generally three minutes or less so it took over one hundred posts to provide this brief explanation that covers the complete Book of Revelation.

This is by no means a comprehensive deep dive into the Book of Revelation, but I believe it will enlighten you about various concepts. Most importantly, it should give you hope for the future and reason to endure the tribulations of this present age.

I pray that this series will enlighten you and encourage you to go deeper into the study of God’s word. I pray that you will be strengthened in your faith and the truth that the Book of Revelation is indeed a blessing to those who read it or hear it read and explained.

You can order the whole series or only the chapters that you are most interested it. You can find the series by clicking on either of these two links. Amazon USA or Amazon India